Disk No: 2604 Disk Title: SkyGlobe PC-SIG Version: S2.5 Program Title: SkyGlobe Author Version: 2.5 Author Registration: $15.00 Special Requirements: Graphics card. SkyGlobe is a very fast, fun, and easy-to-use Shareware astronomy program. The splendor of the heavens comes to life on your computer screen, especially on a color EGA or VGA system. The program also runs on CGA and Hercules systems, and creates printouts on Epson compatible printers. See up to 15,000 stars displayed, over twice as many as are visible to the naked eye. Turn the constellation lines on or off with a single keystroke in a fraction of second. Change viewing direction or location just as quickly. Use the Automatic mode to watch the movement of the stars throughout the night. Since the planets, Sun, and Moon are also displayed, SkyGlobe is the best way to learn about the wonderful show that goes on in our skies every night. PC-SIG 1030D East Duane Avenue Sunnyvale Ca. 94086 (408) 730-9291 (c) Copyright 1991 PC-SIG, Inc.